dimecres, 27 de juliol del 2016


11 Conclusions

  1. Currently, there is no room for manoeuvre to recognise the Catalan people's right to decide within the Spanish constitutional and legal framework. The only possible way of exercising this right is by disconnecting [from the Spanish state] and activating [our] own constituent process.
  2. The people of Catalonia have the legitimacy to begin [their] own democratic, citizen based, transversal, participative and binding constituent process, with the recognition, support and guarantee of Catalan institutions.
  3. Comparative experiences from other countries guarantee the path taken by Catalonia in building a singular constituent process model, given the social, cultural, political and economic circumstances that characterise us.
  4. Care must be taken that the methodological framework of the constituent process be agreed upon, public, transparent and shared by the whole of society and by the institutions that guarantee it. The constituent process must have the capacity to accommodate all ideological and social sensibilities from the word go, including when it is time to settle on the indicators, the calendar and all other matters affecting the method used to advance the [independence] process.
  5. The constituent process must include three phases: a first participative process phase, a second phase to disconnet from the Spanish state and call constituent elections to form a constituent assembly, which must draw up a constitutional project, and a third phase for the popular ratification of the constitution via a referendum.
  6. The prior participative process must have as its main body a Constituent Social Forum made up of representatives of organised civil society and political parties. The Constituent Social Forum must debate and formulate a set of questions on the specific content of the future constitution, which must be resolved by citizens via a citizen participation process. The result of this citizen participation will constitute a binding mandate for those who make up the constituent assembly, who must incorporate them into the constitutional project text.
  7. Following the citizen participation phase, the disconnection with the Spanish state will be completed via the approval of disconnection laws in the Catalan Parliament and via the democratic exercise of a unilateral mechanism that will serve to activate the formation of a Constituent Assembly. The disconnection laws are not susceptible to control, suspension or challenge by any other power, court or tribunal.
  8. The Catalan Parliament protects the constituent process that must take place in Catalonia. To that effect, the Parliament encourages the Catalan government to make available to citizens the resources needed to bring about a transversal, plural, democratic, open constituent debate with a social base. To that end, the Catalan Parliament will have to create a commission to monitor the constituent process.
  9. The Constituent Assembly, once it has been formed, chosen and constituted, will have full powers. The decisions of this assembly must be complied with by other public bodies and by all legal and physical persons. None of the decisions of the assembly be susceptible to control, suspension or challenge by any other power, court or tribunal either. The Constituent Assembly must establish mechanisms to guarantee direct, active, democratic participation by people and organised civil society in the debate process and as proposals for the constitutional project are drawn up.
  10. Once the Constituent Assembly has approved the constitutional project, a constitutional referendum must by called so that the people of Catalonia can approve or reject the text of the new Constitution peacefully and democratically.
  11. The constituent process must include gender perspective from the beginning, in a transversal manner with a dual strategy, with the aim of breaking our society's historical inertia and developing a constituent process that is also [constituent] for all people.

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